Homeopathy and Women’s Mental Health Issues in Ireland

According to recent research, women suffer more than men regarding mental health issues.

We have an extensive list ranging from depression, anxiety, eating disorders, postpartum depression, premenstrual syndrome, trauma-related disorders, hormonal imbalances, chronic stress, and issues related to self-esteem and body image.

According to a survey conducted in the UK, one in five young women who have sought help for mental health issues were told they were being ‘dramatic’.

Some of the women were asked if they were ‘overthinking things’ or if they were on their period and could be just hormonal symptoms.

Sadly enough, those young women learned from a young age that when they ask for help regarding their mental health issues, there is a possibility that they are overreacting and there is nothing wrong with them.

Poor ladies, they grew older thinking that their mental health is not important or even worse, that what they are experiencing is not ‘real’ and could be imagined. The problem is that a lot of women are discouraged from seeking help and treatment for fear of being stigmatized.

Some of the issues that can cause or aggravate women’s mental health problems are interpersonal conflict, childcare stress, vocational stress, pressure from society to perform, financial stress, uneven household labor distribution, gender discrimination, and the list goes on.

Now for some very sad facts: 53% of women with mental health issues have experienced some sort of abuse. More than 75% have experienced some type of physical and sexual violence in childhood and adulthood with some sort of life-threatening trauma.

The statistics are sad. I am sure you know someone or have heard of a friend who has gone through some type of trauma.

But if conventional medicine avoids all these women’s mental health symptoms, what can homeopathy do?

Homeopathy can bring your life back into balance again. It can go deep into the root cause of your symptoms and clear them with a remedy. It doesn't matter what you have been through in your life, which symptoms you are producing now.

The only way we homeopaths can do that is by listening empathically to all your symptoms and understanding where they came from and how they are affecting your life now. We know your symptoms are real, and we have an abundance of remedies to deal with them.

For example, a remedy commonly used in practice is Staphisagria. This remedy is commonly used in cases of sexual and mental abuse, when women have to suppress their emotions, mostly anger, in order to survive in a peaceful environment. Staphisagria can cure years of suppressed anger accompanied by depression.

If you have been to conventional medicine and got caught in the trap of using a band-aid like medication to mask your symptoms, you are not resolving your problem; you are just burying your symptoms deeply inside to later come out in a more advanced stage. The best solution is to cleanse your sorrows, and homeopathy can help.

Homeopathy is a holistic form of treatment that looks for the underlying causes of different types of your mental health issues.

Renee Martin